Case Study: Flip lid Style Perfume box

We help an UK customer custmize Logo Brand Perfume Box


Smelling good every day is something that no one can ignore, whether young or old, women and men. Our customer believes in creating perfume products that represent an individual’s personality and nature. Their perfumes are not used just for personal hygiene but also for sentimental purposes, including gifting loved ones. That is why, for them, packaging is more important than ever

The Challenge

The client approached Luxury Custom Packaging explaining how challenging it had become for them to get an appealing and catchy packaging box for their perfume model. They needed a box that would attract the customer’s attention and subsequently turn them to a permanent and loyal buyer.

Most of the box designs they had received from other vendors lacked the magnetic spark that they were looking for. That is when they got in touch with us and we proposed the flip lid style perfume box. We promised to incorporate color choices that seamlessly spoke about the brand and its general character.

The Solution

Moments after contacting Luxury Custom Packaging online, our customer realized that they were dealing with experts in the industry. We successfully created for them a flip lid style box that would go a long way in meeting their packaging needs. The flipping feature was a brilliant choice since it made the potential buyer always want to open it.

The black color choice was a game changer and one that helped product’s character. Even as the box exterior left our client mesmerized, the magnet hid in the box inside. We created an all-round good-looking box that would attract customers to the perfume which speaks of its captivating fragrance.

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